Ben Packard, Architect, San Diego, California is designing a 450 feet tall high-rise Water Park.It is planned to be located in Downtown San Diego on the backside of the convention center. We are glad to present this recently computer generated renderings.
Vertical Water Park: Bird's Eye View The Park's Architecture is modern style. Its organic shape, materials and structure look like the type of construction developed in Dubai nowadays. Its eco-friendly design in every detail shows a complete interest for the environment.
Vertical Water Park: 3D View to Waterfall Vertical Water Park: 3D View from MarineVertical Water Park: Interior View
Goldman Renderings creates state of the art architectural renderings and animation for architects, real estate developers, interior designers, and individuals. Our extensive portfolio includes: exterior rendering,
interior design rendering, site plans, 3d floor plans, and much more.
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask if you have a more detailed article of this topic??
The information will be very important for me as I am working on my thesis that is closely related to this topic.!!
Your help will be very much appreciated
thankyou! hope to hear from you